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5 posts tagged with "Actions"

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Actions DataGrid

One min read
Michael Ward
Michael Ward
Founder & CEO @Paminga

The new Actions DataGrid provides an overview of all the Actions you've configured across the platform.

Easily filter to see all Actions that might be impacting data in Paminga or your connected CRM platform.

Trade Show CSV? Create CRM Leads During Contact Import

2 min read
Michael Ward
Michael Ward
Founder & CEO @Paminga

You can now create leads in your connected CRM platform when importing records from a .csv file!

One common use case for this is the .csv file you get from scanning badges at a conference or other event.

Slack Notifications, Zapier Triggers, and Webhook Actions for the New Form Builder

3 min read
Michael Ward
Michael Ward
Founder & CEO @Paminga

Let's end the year with three new Actions in the Form Builder:
Slack Notifications, Zapier Triggers, and Webhooks!

Each of these Actions may be triggered globally (every time your form is submitted) or conditionally (only when the prospect or their form submission meets additional conditions of your choosing).

Sunset Contacts

2 min read
Michael Ward
Michael Ward
Founder & CEO @Paminga

A new automation type is now available to you: Sunset Contacts.

A "Sunset Contacts" Automation may be used to mass-sunset leads/contacts that meet conditions of your choosing.

Sunsetting prevents unengaged leads/contacts from qualifying for, or being sent, any marketing emails.


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