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Brand Kits

Brand Kits allow you to set up fonts, color palettes, logos, and more to be re-used across the platform.

At launch, brand kits only impact forms built with Paminga's Form Builder.

In the coming months, they'll be used to controls styles in:

  • Website Personalization Builder
  • New Email Builder
  • New Landing Page Builder

Manage Your Brand Kits:

Manage Your Brand Kits

Create New Brand Kits

Paminga allows you to create multiple brand kits without limitation.

Create one for each subsidiary, division, or operating company as you wish. Go to town!

Create New Button

You can create a new brand kit by clicking the big, obvious button labeled "Create A Brand Kit". 😉

Clone an Existing Brand Kit

The "Actions" column in the Brand Kits table allows you to clone any of your existing brand kits.

Of course you may name your brand kits as you wish.

Default Brand Kits

You'll find that Paminga includes two default brand kits for you to start with:

  • Paminga Light: a great starting point if your website uses a light background
  • Paminga Dark: for websites that leverage a dark theme

Feel free to clone either of these kits and edit for your brand's use.

Configuring Your Brand Kit

Configure Your Brand Kit:

Configure Your Brand Kit

Color Palettes

You may create multiple color palettes, giving each whatever name you choose.

Color Palettes:

Color Palettes

Adding Colors

Click the circle with the big, obvious "+" in it. The color picker will pop up immediately.

Conveniently, the cursor will be in the text field so you can easily paste in hex values.

Name Your Colors

By default, each color's name will be it's "hex" value.

You may click on that name and change it to whatever makes sense.

Using Colors From Your Palette

Wherever you're able to choose colors, you'll find that your color palettes are right there for you to simply click on the color you'd like to use.

Choosing Colors:

Choosing Colors


Easily set font face, size, letter spacing, color, and other properties for all major typography elements:

  • Header 1
  • Header 2
  • Header 3
  • Header 4
  • Header 5
  • Header 6
  • Paragraph

Brand Kit Typography:

Brand Kit Typography


Backgrounds are used when creating "dark mode" brand kits.

This allows you to set the overall background to a color that matches the one used on your website.


Control the appearance of buttons in both idle and hovered states.

Separate controls are available for Primary and Secondary buttons.

As always, a preview is provided so you can check out changes as you make them.

Brand Kit Buttons:

Brand Kit Buttons

Form Fields

Control the appearance of form field fonts, borders, colors, and more with ease.

Brand Kit Form Fields:

Brand Kit Form Fields

Logos - Coming Soon

We'll be adding the ability to upload your brand logos soon!

Brand Images - Coming Soon

You'll soon be able to upload brand images that you'd like to re-use.

Social Accounts - Coming Soon

Soon Paminga will auto-discover social profiles linked to on your home page. You'll also be able to manage those URLs manually.

We'll add a Social Sharing element to the form builder and other builders that are in the works!

Choosing a Brand Kit

When creating marketing assets like forms (and soon – emails and more), you will be asked to select a Brand Kit to use.

You'll find that your form will automatically use styles from your chosen Brand Kit.

Choose a Brand Kit When Creating a Form:

Choose a Brand Kit When Creating a Form

Overriding Brand Kit Settings

You may choose to override the settings from any brand kit by altering the styles used for any Element.

Autosave, Undo, & Redo

Autosave is turned on by default. You may disable it at any time.

Undo & Redo buttons make it easy to correct any mistakes.


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Built with pride in Denver, Colorado, USA

Copyright © Paminga 2025
All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.