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The Country element on a form is used to allow visitors to select their country from a predefined list.

This element is particularly common in forms where the visitor needs to provide their location, such as registration forms, shipping forms, or address forms.

It helps ensure that the visitor's country is correctly captured, which can affect things like shipping, billing, or localization of services.

This element in Paminga is a drop down field type.

Country Element

Add a Country Element to your Form

To add a Country element to your form select the orange + icon within the builder and then select "Country".

Add Country Element

Once added you can then edit the fields settings on the right hand side of the screen.

Add Country Element

Country Element Field Settings

Under the select field settings for the country element there are various options to set.

These options include:

  • Field Label: Value that is always visible to persons filling in your form
  • Field Name: The Field Name is "behind the scenes".
    • The field name is not shown to persons filling in your form
  • Map to Field: Choose the field in Paminga you would like to map this data to when the form is submitted.
    • By Default the element is mapped to the contact standard field "Country". This can be changed if needed to a different field of your choosing
  • Default Value: If you choose to set a Default Value, this field will be pre-filled with that value when the form is rendered
  • Pre-Populate This Field: Checkbox. Paminga may be able to recognize the website visitor submitting your form. When this is the case, you can have Paminga pre-populate fields with values that are already known for that person

Validation Rules

Within the country select field settings you can set validation rules for the persons submitting the form.

These validation rules include:

  • Required: Make it so that when the person is submitting the form the field is required to submit
    • By default a message is set to "This is a required field." This message can be edited
Message Validation Required Field


Under the layout tab you have the ability to edit the layout of the field on the form.

Here you can set the fields:

  • Alignment (Left, Center, Right)
  • Width
  • Margins (Top, Bottom, Left, Right)

Easily set these parameter using the slider, or input the value to the right of each layout option.

Layout Settings


By default the field is set to show always. That said, you have the ability to edit the fields visibilty to conditionally display.

Always Display Form Field

If you would like to edit the visibilty of the form field update the settings under the conditions tab.

You can set the field to:

  • Show This Field Always
  • Hide This Field Always
  • Show This Field If
  • Hide This Field If

Selection of the last two will prompt you to set conditions of display for this field using the Paminga segemnt builder.


The conditions available to dispaly off of are:

  • Account Fields (standard & custom)
  • Contact Field (standard & custom)
  • Form Fields: Set the conditons based on any field's value on your form
  • Language: If you leverage "Internationalization" each language you have added to the form will be available to select here
Want more information on displaying fields conditionally?

Make sure to check out our in-depth documentation here.


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