The use of a Multi-Select element on a form is an element that allows your visitors to select multiple options from a list, typically presented as checkboxes or a dropdown list.
Unlike a single-select (where only one option can be chosen), a multi-select enables the selection of more than one item at a time.
Use cases for this type of element include:
- Surveys: areas of interests, events, products
- Job Application: experience
- E-Commerce: Features visitor is interested in

Add a Multi-Select Element to your Form
To add a Multi-Select element to your form select the orange + icon within the builder and then select "Multi-Select".

Once added you can then edit the fields settings on the right hand side of the screen.

Multi-Select Element Settings
Under the multi-select element settings there are various options to set.
These include:
- Field Label: Value that is always visible to persons filling in your form
- Field Name: The Field Name is "behind the scenes"
- The field name is not shown to persons filling in your form
- Map to Field: Choose the field in Paminga you would like to map this data to when the form is submitted
- For a multi-select field you will want to leverage a multi-select drop down custom field. Learn more about setting these fields up here
- Pre-Populate This Field: Checkbox. Paminga may be able to recognize the website visitor submitting your form. When this is the case, you can have Paminga pre-populate fields with values that are already known for that person
Setting Options
Within the options of the multi-select field settings you have a few options to set.
These include:
- Use a Pre-Exisiting Drop Down: When selected you will be able to choose from any already exisiting drop downs within your account
- Type to select a drop down or use the arrows to sort

- Create a Custom Drop Down: If you would like to create a new drop down within the form select this option. Upon selection you can update the label and add options for the drop down

- Allow Multiple Selection: Selecting this checkbox will allow your visitors to select more than one option from the drop down
Validation Rules
Within the settings you can set validation rules for the persons submitting the form.
Under the layout tab you have the ability to edit the layout of the field on the form.
By default the field is set to show always. That said, you have the ability to edit the fields visibilty to conditionally display.
If you would like to edit the visibilty of the form field update the settings under the conditions tab.