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Conversion Dashboard

The Conversions Dashboard tracks 3 primary metrics:

  • Impressions
  • Conversions
  • Conversion rate

Upon viewing the Conversions Dashboard, you will first be greeted with an overview of conversions across all landing pages.

The metrics presented in this initial graph are the combined totals and averages, letting you know overall how often prospects are submitting the forms presented on your landing pages. This is a useful “temperature check” for marketers, who can then dig deeper into the numbers by selecting from a list of specific landing pages immediately below, their metrics for impressions, conversions, and conversion rate neatly displayed beside them.

As with other dashboards available in Paminga, you may toggle the view of your dashboard to encompass a landing page, a broader date range, or to show a greater number of individual landing pages in the list provided.

These features are there to enhance ease of use and allow you quick access to key information, displayed in a clear and organized format.

What are Conversions

Conversions refer to those contacts in Paminga who fill out a form on your site. For conversions to be tracked within Paminga, DNS records must setup and the tracking beacon must be in place on the page in which the form is being used. If the form is hosted on a Paminga landing page, the tracking beacon is already in place.

What are Impressions

Impressions refer to the number of times a tracked landing page has been viewed, regardless of whether or not any action was taken. Impressions are useful for determining the flow of traffic to the landing page on which your form is hosted. This metric is also useful as a context builder. By looking at the number of impressions and conversions for your landing page, it is possible to determine the conversion rate.

Fortunately, no math is required on your part, as Paminga has taken care of that calculation for you. Still, we find it helpful to monitor how often people are actually stopping to look in on a given landing page, even if they don’t convert.

What is the Conversion Rate?

The Conversion rate is a representation of converted prospects as a percentage of your total number of impressions. Monitoring conversion rate allows you to set and measure goals and performance more effectively. What constitutes a “good” conversion rate will depend on many factors, such as your industry, target audience, and more.

Paminga has taken care of the math and offered up a clear depiction of your overall conversion rate across landing pages.


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