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Webinars within Paminga, provide you and your team, with a comprehensive overview of any synced webinars that have taken place or are scheduled to do so within your account. Quickly see your webinar name, description, registrations, and more.

To access Webinars within Goldilocks, simply navigate to Marketing Center > Webinars.

Let’s dive into the information available within Webinars.;

Webinars Synced Data

Upon selection of Webinars, you will be presented with synced Webinar details. By default, Webinars include the below data points.

  • Name: The name of your synced webinar
  • Description: The description given to your webinar via the webinar platform
  • Platform: The platform in which your webinar is hosted
  • Registrants: Contacts who have registered for your webinar.
  • Attendees: Those who registered & attended your webinar once it took place
  • Did Not Attend: Those who registered & did not attend your webinar
  • Starts At: The date and time in which the event is scheduled to take place, or did take place
  • Ends At: The date and time in which the event is scheduled to end or ended

Via Webinars, you can choose which columns are present on the dashboard, by selecting the column chooser in the top left corner of the dashboard.

Filters allow you to filter based on keywords from the Name or Description.

Quickly export your data as a CSV file, Excel file, or Print via the Export button.


Want to start syncing your GoToWebinars to Paminga? Setup is quick and easy. Learn more about how to do so via our documentation on GoToWebinar.

Don’t forget to check out how to leverage Webinars in our amazing Segment Builder!

Webinar Dashboard

Within Webinars you will notice all synced webinars can be available via the dropdown in the right hand corner. Type to search for a specific webinar or sort by the label, or start date.

Once a webinar has been selected a line chart will appear of Webinar Registration during a set date range. Hover over a date to select and view any contacts who registered on a selected date.

Just beneath, you will find a bar chart of your Registration Growth during a set date range. Selecting a bar, will pop up all contacts who registered on your selected date. This chart allows you to display the bars vertically and horizontally.

Each graph will allow you to quickly download the data as an Excel file from your selected date range, via the export button in the top right corner.

When viewing contacts from either of these graphs, you will notice that you can adjust the columns displayed, apply filters, adjust the density of the data, or download all contacts as a CSV file, Excel File, or Print.

The Webinar Dashboard, also allows you to view Registrants, Attendees & Did Not Attend. Simply click on which you would like to view.

Each Dashboard allows you to adjust columns, add filters, change the density, or export the data.


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