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type Account {
account_number: String
billing_city: String
billing_country: String
billing_state: String
billing_street: String
billing_zip: String
first: Int!
page: Int
): ContactPaginator!
created_at: DateTime
crm_id: String
ids: [ID!]
): [CustomFieldValue]!
description: String
employee_count: Int
facebook_url: String
favicon_url: String
fax: String
id: ID!
industry: AccountIndustry
instagram_url: String
is_default: Boolean!
known_isp: Boolean!
linkedin_url: String
name: String!
owner: Owner
ownership: String
phone: String
revenue: BigInt
shipping_city: String
shipping_country: String
shipping_state: String
shipping_street: String
shipping_zip: String
sic_code: String
status: AccountStatus
twitter_url: String
type: AccountType
updated_at: DateTime
website: String
youtube_url: String


Account.account_number ● String scalar

Account.billing_city ● String scalar

Account.billing_country ● String scalar

Account.billing_state ● String scalar

Account.billing_street ● String scalar

Account.billing_zip ● String scalar

Account.contacts ● ContactPaginator! non-null object

Account.contacts.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 500. ● Int scalar

The offset from which items are returned.

Account.created_at ● DateTime scalar

Account.crm_id ● String scalar

The unique ID of this Account in your integrated CRM (if any)

Account.custom_fields ● [CustomFieldValue]! non-null object

Account.custom_fields.ids ● [ID!] list scalar

Account.description ● String scalar

Account.employee_count ● Int scalar

Account.facebook_url ● String scalar

Account.favicon_url ● String scalar

Account.fax ● String scalar ● ID! non-null scalar

Account.industry ● AccountIndustry object

Account.instagram_url ● String scalar

Account.is_default ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Account.known_isp ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Account.linkedin_url ● String scalar ● String! non-null scalar

Account.owner ● Owner object

Account.ownership ● String scalar ● String scalar

Account.revenue ● BigInt scalar

Account.shipping_city ● String scalar

Account.shipping_country ● String scalar

Account.shipping_state ● String scalar

Account.shipping_street ● String scalar

Account.shipping_zip ● String scalar

Account.sic_code ● String scalar

The "Standard Industrial Classification Code" is a 4 digit code assigned by the U.S. government to identify an organization's primary business focus

Account.status ● AccountStatus object

Account.twitter_url ● String scalar

Account.type ● AccountType object

Account.updated_at ● DateTime scalar ● String scalar

Account.youtube_url ● String scalar

Returned By

account query ● createAccount mutation ● deleteAccount mutation ● discoverAccountSocialProfiles query ● updateAccount mutation

Member Of

AccountNote object ● AccountPaginator object ● Contact object


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