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type Contact {
account: Account
activityTypes: [ContactActivityType!]
limit: Int!
orderBy: [ContactActivityStreamOrderByOrderByClause!]
page: Int!
): ContactActivityStream!
address_1: String
address_2: String
bounce_reason: String
bounced: Boolean
bounced_at: DateTime
city: String
country: String
created_at: DateTime
ids: [ID!]
): [CustomFieldValue]!
defined: Boolean
defined_at: DateTime
definition_source: ContactDefinitionSource
deleted: Boolean!
dynamics_entity_type: CrmEntityType
dynamics_url: String
email: String
facebook_handle: String
fax: String
first_name: String
first_touch: MarketingTouch
first: Int!
orderBy: [ContactFormSubmissionsOrderByOrderByClause!]
page: Int
where: ContactFormSubmissionsWhereWhereConditions
): ClassicFormSubmissionPaginator!
gdpr_compliance: Boolean
home_phone: String
id: ID!
identity: String
instagram_handle: String
ip_address: String
is_sunset: Boolean!
last_email_click_at: DateTime
last_email_click_subject: String
last_email_open_at: DateTime
last_email_open_subject: String
last_name: String
last_touch: MarketingTouch
last_touch_before_contact_creation: MarketingTouch
latest_visit: Visit
lead_owner: Owner
lead_scores: [LeadScoreSummary!]
lead_stage: LeadStage
linkedin_handle: String
lists: [List!]
mobile_phone: String
paused_lead_scoring_rulesets: [LeadScoringPause!]
postal_code: String
product: Product
salesforce_entity_type: CrmEntityType
salesforce_url: String
state: String
subscriptions: [SubscriptionList!]
sugar_crm_entity_type: CrmEntityType
sugar_crm_url: String
sunset_contact: SunsetContact
title: String
where: ContactTotalBouncesWhereWhereConditions
): Int!
where: ContactTotalClicksWhereWhereConditions
): Int!
where: ContactTotalOpensWhereWhereConditions
): Int!
where: ContactTotalOptOutsWhereWhereConditions
): Int!
total_score_in_default_ruleset: Int!
where: ContactTotalSendsWhereWhereConditions
): Int!
twitter_handle: String
unsubscribed: Boolean
unsubscribed_at: DateTime
updated_at: DateTime
first: Int!
orderBy: [ContactVisitsOrderByOrderByClause!]
page: Int
where: ContactVisitsWhereWhereConditions
): VisitPaginator!
work_phone: String


Contact.account ● Account object

Contact.activity_stream ● ContactActivityStream! non-null object

Contact.activity_stream.activityTypes ● [ContactActivityType!] list enum
Contact.activity_stream.limit ● Int! non-null scalar
Contact.activity_stream.orderBy ● [ContactActivityStreamOrderByOrderByClause!] list input ● Int! non-null scalar

Contact.address_1 ● String scalar

Contact.address_2 ● String scalar

Contact.bounce_reason ● String scalar

The bounce reason as provided by the Contact's email system

Contact.bounced ● Boolean scalar

True if this Contact's email address is currently bounced

Contact.bounced_at ● DateTime scalar

The date and time this Contact's email address bounced ● String scalar ● String scalar

Contact.created_at ● DateTime scalar

Contact.custom_fields ● [CustomFieldValue]! non-null object

Contact.custom_fields.ids ● [ID!] list scalar

Contact.defined ● Boolean scalar

True if this Contact's first name, last name, or email address is known

Contact.defined_at ● DateTime scalar

The date and time this Contact became defined

Contact.definition_source ● ContactDefinitionSource enum

The source of the data that led to this Contact being defined

Contact.deleted ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Contact.dynamics_entity_type ● CrmEntityType enum

Contact.dynamics_url ● String scalar ● String scalar

Contact.facebook_handle ● String scalar

Contact.fax ● String scalar

Contact.first_name ● String scalar

Contact.first_touch ● MarketingTouch object

Contact.form_submissions ● ClassicFormSubmissionPaginator! non-null object

Contact.form_submissions.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 500.

Contact.form_submissions.orderBy ● [ContactFormSubmissionsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input ● Int scalar

The offset from which items are returned.

Contact.form_submissions.where ● ContactFormSubmissionsWhereWhereConditions input

Contact.gdpr_compliance ● Boolean scalar

Contact.home_phone ● String scalar ● ID! non-null scalar

Contact.identity ● String scalar

Contact.instagram_handle ● String scalar

Contact.ip_address ● String scalar

Contact.is_sunset ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Contact.last_email_click_at ● DateTime scalar

The date and time of the last email click made by this Contact

Contact.last_email_click_subject ● String scalar

The subject line of the last email clicked by this Contact

Contact.last_email_open_at ● DateTime scalar

The date and time of the last email open made by this Contact

Contact.last_email_open_subject ● String scalar

The subject line of the last email opened by this Contact

Contact.last_name ● String scalar

Contact.last_touch ● MarketingTouch object

Contact.last_touch_before_contact_creation ● MarketingTouch object

Contact.latest_visit ● Visit object

Contact.lead_owner ● Owner object

Contact.lead_scores ● [LeadScoreSummary!] list object

Contact.lead_stage ● LeadStage object

Contact.linkedin_handle ● String scalar

Contact.lists ● [List!] list object

Contact.mobile_phone ● String scalar

Contact.paused_lead_scoring_rulesets ● [LeadScoringPause!] list object

Contact.postal_code ● String scalar

Contact.product ● Product object

Contact.salesforce_entity_type ● CrmEntityType enum

Contact.salesforce_url ● String scalar

Contact.state ● String scalar

Contact.subscriptions ● [SubscriptionList!] list object

Contact.sugar_crm_entity_type ● CrmEntityType enum

Contact.sugar_crm_url ● String scalar

Contact.sunset_contact ● SunsetContact object

Contact.title ● String scalar

Contact.total_bounces ● Int! non-null scalar

Contact.total_bounces.where ● ContactTotalBouncesWhereWhereConditions input

Contact.total_clicks ● Int! non-null scalar

Contact.total_clicks.where ● ContactTotalClicksWhereWhereConditions input

Contact.total_opens ● Int! non-null scalar

Contact.total_opens.where ● ContactTotalOpensWhereWhereConditions input

Contact.total_opt_outs ● Int! non-null scalar

Contact.total_opt_outs.where ● ContactTotalOptOutsWhereWhereConditions input

Contact.total_score_in_default_ruleset ● Int! non-null scalar

The Contact's total score in your default lead scoring ruleset.

Contact.total_sends ● Int! non-null scalar

Contact.total_sends.where ● ContactTotalSendsWhereWhereConditions input

Contact.twitter_handle ● String scalar

Contact.unsubscribed ● Boolean scalar

True if this Contact's email address is currently unsubscribed from marketing emails

Contact.unsubscribed_at ● DateTime scalar

The date and time this Contact unsubscribed from marketing emails

Contact.updated_at ● DateTime scalar

Contact.visits ● VisitPaginator! non-null object

Contact.visits.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 500.

Contact.visits.orderBy ● [ContactVisitsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input ● Int scalar

The offset from which items are returned.

Contact.visits.where ● ContactVisitsWhereWhereConditions input

Contact.work_phone ● String scalar

Returned By

addContactsToList mutation ● contact query ● contactByEmail query ● createContact mutation ● deleteContact mutation ● removeContactsFromList mutation ● updateContact mutation

Member Of

CampaignEmailSend object ● ClassicFormSubmission object ● ClassicOrGoldilocksFormSubmission object ● ContactNote object ● ContactPaginator object ● ContactsResponse object ● Download object ● DynamicsIntegrationError object ● EmailActivity object ● FormMapSubmission object ● FormSubmission object ● ListParticipationChange object ● MarketingTouch object ● OneOffEmailSend object ● Resubscribe object ● SalesforceIntegrationError object ● SunsetContact object ● Task object ● ThirdPartyEmailSend object ● Unsubscribe object ● Visit object ● WebinarAttendee object ● WebinarRegistrant object ● WorkflowCompletion object ● WorkflowNodeQualification object ● WorkflowQualification object


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