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type Segment {
archived: Boolean
conditions: JSON!
created_at: DateTime
description: String
domain_group_id: Int!
evaluation_period: Int
exclude_known_isps: Boolean
folder: SegmentFolder
get_variables_determine_distinct_web_pages: Boolean
hide_anonymous_contacts: Boolean
id: ID!
is_global: Boolean
is_primary: Boolean!
name: String
rbac_role_id: Int
timezone_id: Int
updated_at: DateTime


Segment.archived ● Boolean scalar

Segment.conditions ● JSON! non-null scalar

Segment.created_at ● DateTime scalar

Segment.description ● String scalar

Segment.domain_group_id ● Int! non-null scalar

Segment.evaluation_period ● Int scalar

Segment.exclude_known_isps ● Boolean scalar

Segment.folder ● SegmentFolder object

Segment.get_variables_determine_distinct_web_pages ● Boolean scalar

Segment.hide_anonymous_contacts ● Boolean scalar ● ID! non-null scalar

Segment.is_global ● Boolean scalar

Segment.is_primary ● Boolean! non-null scalar ● String scalar

Segment.rbac_role_id ● Int scalar

Segment.timezone_id ● Int scalar

Segment.updated_at ● DateTime scalar

Returned By

cloneSegment mutation ● createSegment mutation ● deleteSegment mutation ● moveSegmentsToFolder mutation ● segment query ● updateSegment mutation

Member Of

Alert object ● AutomatedAction object ● CampaignGoal object ● DripCampaign object ● JobAlertEmail object ● MarketingListAutomation object ● RecurringJobSummary object ● Report object ● ScoringRule object ● SegmentPaginator object ● SubscriptionListAutomation object ● View object ● WorkflowNode object