Paminga is

SugarCRM Marketing Automation

Reliable, accurate, and clear, Paminga's SugarCRM integration eliminates questions and puts you in total control.

Paminga has the features you need.

Drag & Drop Builders for Email, Forms & Landing Pages

Responsive design is baked in. Gorgeous templates make looking great a breeze.

Battle-Tested SugarCRM CRM Integration

Create Leads, Cases, Business Activities, and more

Trigger Creation of Records in SugarCRM.

Upon form submission, email click, lead scoring threshold, or by conditions of your choosing.

Create Leads in SugarCRM

Have Paminga create Leads in SugarCRM on-demand – but only when your qualification criteria are met.

Create Tasks

Schedule a series of tasks for the assigned representative based on triggers you choose.

Create Accounts & Contacts

When your use case calls for it, Paminga can create accounts and add contacts

SugarCRM Form Builder

Conditional Fields, Rows, Sections & content

Personalize forms based on SugarCRM fields, form progress, list membership, and more

Multi-Page Forms

Route prospects to any page based on conditions of your choosing

File Uploads/Attachments

You can require that your prospect attach, for example, exactly one file, or no more than 3

Conditional Experience & Actions Upon Form Submission

Conditional redirect, messaging, and automated actions


There's no need to jump to another screen. Create the fields you need right here. And Paminga detects and sets field types for you

Paminga's Web Form Builder:

Paminga's Web Form Builder

Complete Control Over Your SugarCRM Sync

You'll be blown away by the control you have.

And the simplicity of setting it up.

Choose Which Objects, Records, & Fields To Sync

Choose Which Fields Will Be Synced to/from Paminga

Field-by-field control. Just check the boxes and Paminga will honor your selections

Map Your Account, Contact & Lead Fields

Map SugarCRM fields to their equivalent in Paminga. Or choose "Do Not Map" and Paminga will never sync that field

Create New Custom Fields on the Fly

There's no need to jump to another screen. Create the fields you need right here. And Paminga detects and sets field types for you

SugarCRM Field Mappings

Control Exactly When Leads, Accounts, Contacts, & Opportunities Will Be Created or Updated

Create Objects Only When Your Specific Conditions Are Met

And those conditions? You choose them using Paminga's segment builder – the most powerful segmentation tool you've ever seen. The control is incredible

Leverage SugarCRM Assignment Rules & Queues

Ensure Leads are assigned in accordance with your internal processes

Intelligent Updates

Paminga knows if that Lead or Contact already exists. Records are created or updated as needed. You never have to deal with duplicate leads in Paminga


Trigger Actions When Objects Are Synced to Paminga

Transform data, control list membership, add to/remove from workflows...

SugarCRM Sync Actions give you mind-blowing capabilities.

SugarCRM Sync Actions
Trigger any of these actions when Leads or Contacts are created/updated in Paminga from SugarCRM:

Add to Automations

Add contacts to one or more Drip Series or Workflow

Remove from Automations

Remove contacts from one or more Drip Series or Workflow

Add to Lists

Add contacts to one or more Lists

Remove from Lists

Remove contacts from one or more Lists

Adjust Lead Scores

Score may added to or subtracted from. Adjust scores in more than one "Lead Scoring Ruleset" if you like

Set Field Values

Set the values of one more standard or custom fields on the Account, Contact, or Lead object.

Set Lead Stage

Pretty straightforward. Change the leads's stage as appropriate

Send Notifications

Notifications may be sent to the assigned "Lead Owner" per your CRM, and/or be sent to any number of email recipients

Create Lead, Contact, Account, or Opportunity In CRM

Paminga will intelligently create or update records in your CRM as you wish

Create Tasks in CRM

Trigger the creation of a series of tasks in your CRM. They will be assigned to the "Lead Owner" on record in your CRM

Send a Webhook

A webhook is a notification that is sent to a system, not a person. Webhooks can be used to automate data flow between Paminga and your systems

Trigger a Zapier Zap

Connect Paminga with 1,000's of apps via Zapier

How it Works/FAQ

Syncing From SugarCRM to Paminga

SugarCRM is treated as the "Source of Truth".

This means that all applicable data is faithfully synced from SugarCRM to Paminga on a regular schedule.

What data will be synced from SugarCRM to Paminga?

By default we'll sync all Accounts, Contacts, Leads, and Opportunities. Custom objects may be synced as well.

We'll also sync various Pick Lists from SugarCRM to Paminga so you can easily choose from among your Lead Sources, for example.

What if I only want certain objects to sync to Paminga?

No problem. Add a true/false custom field and set it to `true` for the objects you want synced to Paminga. We will only sync those objects.

If you already have such a boolean field we are happy to honor it so you don't have to create another.

What if I only want certain fields to sync to Paminga?

You are in total control of which fields sync to Paminga.

Paminga's self-service Field Mappings is where you decide which of your custom fields will be synced to Paminga.

And it lets you create new Paminga custom fields right there on the fly, so you don't have to leave the screen to create the custom fields you need.

Simply "map" your SugarCRM fields to Paminga fields and you're good to go.

Don't want a certain field to sync to Paminga? Just don't map it and we'll never sync it. 👍

How often is data synced from SugarCRM to Paminga?

After an initial "full sync", we'll sync all recently created/updated records once per hour. This can be cranked down to as frequently as once per minute if you need updates to be as near-real time as possible.

Syncing From Paminga to SugarCRM

When does Paminga create/update records in SugarCRM?

Paminga only creates or updates records in SugarCRM when you have explicitly asked it to do so via the "Sync to SugarCRM Action".

You decide when this Action is triggered in various places throughout the platform. For example:

  • Form submissions
  • Lead score changes that meet or exceed your chosen threshold
  • Within a workflow
  • When a goal is achieved
  • When a lead or opportunity stages matches your criteria
Which fields will Paminga write to in SugarCRM?

You control exactly which fields Paminga is allowed to write to for Accounts, Contacts, and Leads via the self-service "Field Mappings" page.

Schedule a Personalized Demo

A non-scripted demo covering the parts of the platform that are the most important to you.

Fear not. You'll speak with a platform expert, and we never apply any pressure.


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Built with pride in Denver, Colorado, USA

Copyright © Paminga 2025
All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.